Tuesday, September 9, 2008

.........Th@nk YoU.........

My deepest gratitude to you
for always being there for me,
no matter what,
no matter when,
no matter why,
i have always been like a lil' gurl,
coming to you crying......
complaining and making your life miserable,
but you were always patient,
full of love and care,
you were there,
to calm me and
help me regain my composure.....
lending me your shoulder
for me to lean for support
and wet it
with my painful tears,
help me to forget the pain and agony
that am going through,
giving me a new hope,
as i know
that no matter what others say
think about me
that no matter what happens to me,
you will always be there for me,
reassuring me,
encouraging me,
loving me
supporting me,
for me to carry on with my life........


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